Wednesday, August 17, 2011

I want to be here...

Today is one of those days.  I don't want to be at work.  The weather isn't particularly nice or particularly bad. I don't really want to do's just...another day.  I would, however,  LOVE it if I could be magically transported to the Swedish rooftop terrace in the above photo.  This sublime deck space is exactly what I would love to have for myself and I can easily envision spending hours on end here, entertaining guest, reading in the sun or even just taking a nap.  The apartment that is attached to this deck as also quite cute, I found it on From the Right Bank, a lovely blog you can check out here.  From there I discovered another website called Alvhem that has homes and apartment sales listings.   It's written in Swedish so I can't read it but it's more fun to look at the photos anyway!  Happy Wednesday.

1 comment:

  1. Yeap, its one of those days. I just spent the majority of the day layout out in the sun in my back yard, possibly one of the few positive things about working nights at retail is having the whole day off.

    Also, check out these rooftop luxuries:
