Thursday, January 20, 2011

A foggy afternoon at the beach...

I was fortunate enough to have this past Monday off. Even more fortunate was the -.75 low tide in the afternoon, so Otto and I ventured to the dog beach. He LOVES the beach. The beach was massive!! Wider than a football field is long in some spots. It was also ridiculously foggy, which cast an eerie gray-white light over everything and muffled the sounds of the ocean. Otto was lovin' it, chasing the birds, fetching sticks and running his little puppy heart out. Fun times for him and for me, a cool place to test out my new iPhone app: Instagram. This app is amazing (and free)! Take a picture with your iPhone, pop it into Instagram, apply one of the many lomographic-type filters and then upload your pic to a number of sites like Facebook, Flickr and Tumblr. The newly filtered photo also saves to your phone, so if you don't want to share it, you don't have to. I am in LOVE with this app. Here is just a smattering of photos I took. Enjoy!

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