Sunday, October 14, 2012

Let's get drawing!

Blast from the Lazy Sundae past.
Over the weekend I was cleaning and reorganizing and I came across some of my old design books.  I'm talking design books circa 1998.  From high school.  While taking a crazy nostalgic trip down memory lane, I realized something: I used to draw ALL the time.  Then revelation number 2 hit: I hardly ever draw these days.  Yes, I sketch just about everyday at work, and yes, I did spend three years straight drawing in art school drawing.  The design books back then were all about drawing for myself and I realized that I really miss it.  I LOVE to draw.  

The Dharma Dress...I loved Dharma and Greg.
Pretty sure this one came out of driver's ed.
So, starting with the very next post, there will be more drawings!  I've done a few other posts with illustrations in them and I think there should be more.

Let's get drawing!!


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