Monday, January 9, 2012


Happy New Year, folks!  I've never been one to make and keep New Year's resolutions, but this year I've promised myself I'll be a better blogger.  Between work, and social engagements and wedding planning, I have let my blogging really slack off.  Let's be real, my last post was in September!  That is less than stellar.  Well, I want to remedy that.  How you ask?  I am going to do my own 365 Project.  What's that you ask?  Simply put, it's taking a photo a day and posting it on a website.  You can follow the link to start your very own 365 Project or to look at what others have done.  Every week I will post seven photos from the days before.  My goal is that posting every week will inspire me to write and share more fabulous things with you.  I'm certainly not short on ideas! 

Clock wise from top left:  Polka dot tree in the Ancient Plants section of the SF Botanical Garden; Sunset on the 1st day of 2012; Otto likes to take time to smell the flowers; Neat fabric and leather toggles on a sweater; The wall of the entry at the Press Club down town; the Peacock and his purple bucket at the Folsom Zoo.

Yes, I realize there are only six photos and I promised you seven.  Well I lied.  This week you only get six, but next week I will make up for it by giving you eight.  Happy? 

xo, aba